I have the opportunity of working with really wonderful veterinarians and farriers. They are first and foremost really good horsemen. To me, this is an absolute must. The men and women I work with are constantly learning and always caring. In the many years I have worked with them, they are always willing to share their knowledge and expertise with me and I am always eager to listen and learn.

Pick people to work with who are respected in their fields but also are people who will take the time to explain things. You must understand the issues if you are to help you horse the most that you can. Good communication between you and your vet and your shoer are a must.
Some of our horses are on programs that comprise acupuncture, chiropractic care and drug therapy as well. I don't believe you can remove any one part - all of these things work together. A good example is Joanne Salisbury's VP Midnitestranger ++/ (or "Wes"). After his serious injury three years ago in Canada, we did everything we could to help him recover but most importantly, we put him on a continuing program and there has been a great payback as he is able to perform and do very well again. My advice in short: Pick good people to work with then take their advice and make it part of your training program. See you next week! JD
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