So briefly, here are some of the steps I go through in developing a good side pass: First, the horse must do good walking and small jogging circles - bending through them with their whole body, stepping up with their inside hind leg and dropping down nicely into bridle while wrapping around my inside leg.
Second, I like to spiral the jogging circles, making them large then small again by applying my inside and outside leg appropriately. This begins to move the horse's rib cage. The rib cage is so important!
Next, I like to teach a counter bend, preferably at both the walk and jog. Often it is easier to introduce this maneuver from a jog as the momentum really helps. Again, make sure the horse is yielding softly and dropping down in the bridle.
I rarely find it necessary to use a fence when teaching a side pass, it's just not necessary and I think it can create another set of problems to deal with later. I also rarely start a horse side-passing over a pole, I'll introduce the pole later, when the horse is comfortable with the basics of the maneuver.
I always finish a side pass with the horse's body in a straight line - never curved. Over time you will get a nice side pass with the horse crossing over in the front and the back. Hope this helps! Talk to you next week, JD.
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